How to Help Someone with Mental Health Issues?

At one point before he would been diagnosed, while he was still working as a safety guard not a excellent task for someone on the brink of a diagnosis of schizophrenia too long alone is not great for men and women that are beginning to doubt their own mind concerning working out what is reality and what is not, he had lots of access to finance for a car, and bank loans. Following his diagnosis, and subsequent loss of driving licence, he discovered himself in financial difficulty because he lost his job too and so took a substantial loan 10,000 or so. He began needing to leave the home due to the strain of being with others and not being sure of fact, and went on long walks or trips to London and stayed out all night. One of these nights that he murdered the 10,000, in money. To this day he does not know where he buried it.

Mental Health Issues

Happily he met and fell in love with a woman who actually takes care of Him, frees up psychological health teams for assistance, informs him when he is reacting to something that is only occurring in his thoughts, and ensures he chooses the appropriate drugs at the right times, and helps him handle transitions from one drug to another which occasionally requires hospitalization as a result of side effects of new drugs and see here for further clarification. Although he has good days and bad days, he is being looked after and protected in the symptoms becoming any worse.

It does not help for him to now reflect back on what might have been, but it might be a significant and important lesson to others that are facing the understanding that they or someone they know may be suffering from undiagnosed mental health difficulties. If they become withdrawn, or reveal increased alcohol and drug use, Disinterest in activities, disinterest in looking after themselves, changes in appetite, or moodiness, bear in mind that these could be early signs.

Even if they do not want help, and you might worry they will hate you for this, it is far better to try and get expert help as soon as possible, as early identification and management could mean it is a one off experience instead of something that troubles them for life Make a note to try to ask them in a comfortable manner if they are aware of some of the peculiar behaviours, and ask them if they want any help in working through some of their issues, or want to be supported in seeking medical advice. They may require a whole lot of reassurance that help will be given, rather than that they will be locked up.